From 1950 to today

Our story

From the time when the company was founded by Leo van Lint in 1950 until today, many things have happened in the company. The timeline below takes you through the key events.

Creation of the Van Lint nursery

In Boskoop - located in the province of South Holland and famous for its nurseries - Leo van Lint started to grow plants after he had completed his military service. The company is a leading, progressive nursery. As in many companies, a wide variety of plants are grown. The main cultivations are acer, magnolia, clematis, cytisus, cotinus, pyracantha, berberis, rhododendron and various conifers.  All plants are grown in fertile soil.

Innovation: first car!

As with many nurseries in Boskoop, in the initial years the garden was only accessible by boat. When plants had to be delivered, they were transported to the road by a small barge, after which they could be delivered to the customers by cargo cycle. From 1965, the cargo cycle was replaced by the first car.

Sheet piling

The arrival of the first wooden sheet piling made the delivery of plants by boat much easier.

The first greenhouse

A greenhouse of 400 m2 was built to grow rhododendron cuttings.  The comfortable temperature made it much more pleasant for the plants to grow.

New location Reijerskoop

A new nursery was established across the road. Additionally, this nursery was easier to reach by road, resulting in less sailing time!

Introduction of plastic growing pot

Plants used to be grown in terra cotta plant containers, but a change was made by introducing the plastic container. The plastic containers replaced the heavy terra cotta growing pots.

Heavy blow for the company

At the age of 56, Leo van Lint, the founder and figurehead of the company died unexpectedly.

Company taken over by René van Lint

After Leo's death, René took over the company at the age of 24. This resulted in the company's continued existence and further growth of the company was made possible.

Partial move to Insteek

Insteek 12 is the first location to be used at Insteek in Boskoop. This location mainly provides a huge increase of container field capacity. It is an important next step in the continued growth of the company. 

Extra location at Insteek

At Insteek 86, a field is prepared for the construction of a new hall, connecting greenhouse and a plot of outside land.

Formation of Hebe Center Holland

In collaboration with Hebe specialist Han van Niekerk, the company Hebe Center Holland was founded. This company is characterised by a high degree of automation and a high-quality range of Hebes.

First international company outing

Hard work is combined with fun at our company. Staff is thanked for their efforts in different ways, i.e. company outings, BBQs, and other activities. In 2005, these thanks were expressed in the first international company outing: a few days to Kos. This was followed by trips to Rhodes, Albufeira, and a planned trip to Finnish Lapland.

Further expansion: Insteek 4

The growth of the company increased the need even more for a location from where large numbers of plants can be delivered at once. The acquisition of the business premises at Insteek 4 made this possible.

Formation of Van Lint X-Mas&More B.V.

A separate public limited company (B.V.) was set up for the production of Christmas products: Van Lint X-Mas&More B.V. After a number of years of partnerships, the whole process from purchase, production to sale came under the management of Van Lint.

Production in Poland

For the first time, a temporary production location was set up in Poland. It helps to meet customer demands more effectively and larger numbers of Christmas arrangements find their way to European customers.

Acquisition of Wijkdijk and Hebe Center Holland

After having leased the location for some years, the site of the former Boskoop auction is acquired by Groen Direkt. Additionally, Van Lint takes full ownership of Hebe Center Holland after Han van Niekerk's retirement.

70 years of Van Lint

Its festive anniversary year was a washout due to the corona crisis.

Ready for the future!

The renewed company structure will take effect with the progressive future plans and the arrival of the third generation of the Van Lint family. After the business activities have been rearranged, the Plants&More and X-Mas&More concepts will disappear and continue under the names of ‘Van Lint Plants’ and ‘Van Lint Productions’. This will make the distinction between the growing of plants and the production of green arrangements clearer. It will also help us to further develop our services.

Come work with Van Lint

We are looking for enthusiastic, committed and driven colleagues for various positions in the nursery, production and in our office.

Contact information

Address office

Insteek 4
2771 AB Boskoop



Terms and conditions