Van Lint Plants is the specialist grower for large-scale European retail
Van Lint Plants is the origin of the company. Our company has been working on the best varieties with the highest quality for over 70 years. This experience and the drive to ensure continuous improvement ensure that we can serve our customers efficiently.
Our main cultivations
Acer palmatum
Delivery period: March - May
Container sizes: P17, P19, P21, P23, P26
Hydrangea macrophylla
Delivery period: March - June
Container sizes: P19, P23, P26
Gerbera ‘Garvinea’ ®
Delivery period: February - June
Container sizes: P17
Helleborus niger
Delivery period: October - December
Container sizes: P12, P17
Picea glauca ‘Conica’
Delivery period: October - December
Container sizes: P19, P21
Delivery period: February - April
Container sizes: P19
The process
From cutting to magnificent looking adult plant
Potting of starting material
Together with our suppliers we look for the best starting material to pot our plants. In this way, we try to put together the best combination of growing pots, potting soil and of course plant material. A good preliminary process will contribute to a hight quality final product.
During the cultivation of the plants we ensure that the plants grow in the most beautiful way. We grow the plants until they are perfect for delivery by continuously improving ourselves in the field of fertilisation and watering. The period between potting and delivery differs greatly for each variety. For example, the Picea Glauca ‘Conica’ is grown at our nursery for almost 18 months and our Garvinea ® plants for only a few months.
During the delivery process we do everything possible to ensure that the delivered plants meet the customer's high quality requirements. Van Lint Plants can be distinguished from others by its capacity to supply large batches of plants to customers for promotional sales.
Our customers
Large-scale European retail
The company has continued to grow since its formation. This growth has resulted in us growing more and more varieties and increasingly more plants of these varieties. In the last few years, Van Lint Plants has focused even more on its main cultivations, which are shown above. Because we focus on these cultivations and grow large numbers of them, this mainly suits customers who buy plants for promotional sales. That is why we focus on large-scale European retail.
Can your company identify itself with this way of working and are you looking for a good partner for garden plants? Please contact us via
PL10 – toelichting klantsegment – waarom is dit een geschikt segment voor grootschalige europese retail?
PL12 – toelichting klantsegment
PL12 – toelichting klantsegment
Come work with Van Lint
We are looking for enthusiastic, committed and driven colleagues for various positions in the nursery, production and in our office.
Contact information